BAHIA COMMON - California Senior Housing Competiton (2009)

Bahia Common is an innovative sustainable development that reconnects its inhabitants with their natural surroundings, allowing them to maintain their independence through the understanding and control of their resources. It allows the elders to once again teach by example, and invites the all ages to participate and learn of the alternatives, providing a true legacy for the future. It is time to step back and examine the values that are to be encouraged. Bahia Common’s sustainable design objective is to thrive and not just survive.
The residences are not simply a list Leeds certified energy efficient practices and appliances which conserve water and electricity. Each residence has the privacy and ability to be outside. A solar oven and a cool shaded roof make use of what is freely provided. The added benefit of a small carbon footprint by reducing greenhouse benefits not only Bahia but the greater community. A screened balcony provides wide views over the Bahia flats during the day and entertains with gazes of the celestial sky at night. The inspiration of the natural world together with the balance of time and energy that is re-established will promote the creative talents of the inhabitants that can be shared with all ages.
The true community is evidenced by its shared space. Leaving the residence by the mutual porch, a small bridge splits the tall ornamental grasses connecting the residences to the commons. The commons is a stepped garden at table height which allows for tending of the vegetable and flower community gardens while sitting down. Permaculture practices are lessons from long ago that have once again become relevant. Poultry runs and aquaculture are all possible. The neighborhood is created by the sense of purpose that the garden provides by supplying both its community and all who are invited to participate.
Water is scarce and mostly invisible. The commons covers an underground cistern which stores water during periods of high rainfall to be used in the dry season. Dried yellow sedge has given way to brilliant spring greens and vibrant reds. The terraces act as contained planters which are watered from below through a wicking device instead of surface watering, which minimizes the evaporation.
There is much to be shared. As the community ventures out in their electric vehicles, powered by their solar paneled canopy, so does the community venture in. While seniors enjoy the young ones, so do school children learn both skills and respect for the contribution of the Bahia community. Most importantly is a proud home for its residents. It is both a development of existing abilities and an engagement of forgotten skills, that will renew a sense of purpose for both residents and the wider society in which it dwells, providing new hope for the future.


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